Apr 23, 2008

My wife is going to be one of those dog ladies!

I'm sure some of you remember my discussion previously about us wanting to breed yorkies and the fact that the female yorkie we got has some major problems and we have been struggling the decision as to whether or not to take her back and get one who does not have any health problems. Well...Ryan put a damper on the original plan to get a new one.

I got a phone call from my wife today...I guess she decided 2 dogs wasn't enough. We are now the proud owners of a maltese as well! Have any of you guys ever heard of Morkies? I keep thinking of Mork and Mindy when I hear that...never heard of them before.

In any case, I'm thoroughly convinced that after I do pass on to the heavens...my wife is going to be one of those dog ladies with something like 100 dogs! Oh well...I'll post pictures of all three of our little puppies as soon as I can..probably tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Thats funny, I'll probably end up a cat lady..
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