Mar 24, 2008

Could Someone Help Me Please?

After you guys read my posts below..come back up here! (, I know you really didn't go and read my previous posts then scroll back up!) I travel through this blogosphere..I have been seeing some really cool blog designs customized towards everyone's specific blogs. I found this template out on the web somewhere..this is not a standard "" template. It's a pretty simple design..but I would like to customize it to be able to add a picture or some other design up there in that heading...see the really blank spot to the upper right? I need something there.

Now..I used to own my own websites many moons ago. I do know how to program in html. Looking at the html in this template...its not html...looks similar..but its not. So..if anyone can help can see the contact info down below to the left at the bottom.

1. I want a really cool template that I can use in blogger. I want to be able to have like one main column on the left and two columns to the right for placing the ads and the other stuff like over there on my left side right now. I've also seen some sites where they have like 2 things side-by-side in one box. I want to be able to do that.

2. I want to be able to customize this, or any other, template to be able to add my own images or design in the header. How the heck do I do that? Can I do that with someone elses template design such as this one?

That's it..two simple requests. Is there anybody out there that can help? If so..please contact me. And..if you like what I've written on this blog so far...please leave comments so that I know that someone out there is reading...better yet..subscribe to the feed.


P.S. Has anyone else noticed that my adsense ads all seem to be related to Battlestar Galactica? That's pretty funny since the title for this blog comes from a made up profane word from that show! What a hoot!


Anonymous said...

I <3 Battlestar Galactica. :)

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